With Thanksgiving just around the corner, now is a great time to talk about place settings. We know (okay we pretend to know) the traditional setting, Fork on the left with knife and spoon on the right, knife edge under the lip of the plate. But we also know our...
Author Archive for: Beulah
Beulah’s White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies
Beulah is our marketing assistant, and these are her favorite cookies. Originally she got this recipe from her friend Judy Burch, but then stole it and renamed it after herself, because marketing. Regardless of what you call them, these are delicious cookies that take a little work but...
Jura Espresso Machines
If you are serious about coffee, you want Jura. This Swiss brand of espresso makers has been around since 1931 and has been making coffee makers for home use since 1980. Their innovative machines take care of the process from start to finish. They can grind, tamp, brew, and...
Zucchini Cobbler
Okay, we know this sounds weird. But trust us, this is the most amazing use of zucchini that you will find. It tastes like the best apple cobbler ever but uses up all that zucchini that got snuck on your porch last night for national sneak zucchini...
Wine Wand
Do you love wine, but hate headaches? Would you like to drink red wine and not have your cheeks flush to the same color? You want the wine wand! The wine wand has been created to both remove the histamines from your wine and to rapidly aerate it. In...
Basic Canning: Water Bath Part Four
Part four: Now what You have almost succeeded in making your first batch of jam. You have cleaned up the kitchen and let the jars sit in a cool, dark (just no direct sunlight) part of your counter for 24 hours. It’s not quite time to celebrate by eating...
Chipolo means no more lost keys
We have all been there. Already late, you grab for your keys, which have suddenly disappeared. Or, you go to grab coffee and realize that you’re not sure where your wallet is. Enter Chipolo to save the day. This Bluetooth tracking device allows you to call your keys or...
Basic Canning: Water Bath Part Three
Part three: A simple recipe We have our basic canning supplies, and we have our jars ready to go. But what shall we put in them? This is a simple recipe that we found on https://www.simplycanning.com (Thanks Simply Canning for this great recipe!) In case you are wondering we...
Basic Canning: Water Bath Part Two
Part two: Preparations Have you gathered all your supplies? Good, then let’s get things prepped to can. Remember to take your time on this. Canning is a great way to preserve food and make sure that you have healthy food all year. However, it is easy to contaminate your...
Basic Canning: Water Bath Part One
Part one: Equipment So, you want to try canning and preserving. By far the easiest method is water bath canning; but we should caution that easiest does not mean easy. All preserving will take a little time, a little patience and will make a bit of a mess. However,...