Full confession, we don’t know who Grandma Reimer is. We got this recipe from our friend Katherine Meyer, but we’ve always known these as Grandma Reimer’s Gingerbread Cookies, so that that is what they are. Regardless of whose Grandma came up with the recipe, these gingerbread cookies are a...
Archive for category: Recipes
Stan’s Kitchen Recipes
Fast and easy Shepard’s Pie.
Okay, first things first, if you do not use lamb you are not making shepards pie, you are making cottage pie. This recipe works for both but it was originally meant for ground lamb and not ground beef. Second, this is a super-fast semi-homemade recipe that we like to...
Great Pumpkin Cookies
This was the secret family recipe of the Shreves family in western Sonoma County before being given to us and altered slightly. The reason that Sonoma County is important is that these cookies will look vaguely pumpkin shaped and you can use royal icing or decorating icing to make...
Sourdough Pancakes
Back to School is always hard for parents and kids alike. We know that most mornings we are barely making it out the door on time, the kids are pulling shoes on as they run to the car and everyone has a toaster strudel or similar thing in their...
Easy & Yummy Chinese Chicken Salad
Recently, “Mom” Michelle Leopold was on a trip to Washington D.C. While there, she met a woman whose in-laws had once lived in Pacific Heights. They asked their Daughter-in-law to find out if it was the same store where “The Chinese Chicken Salad Recipe” came from. It turns out...
Piccalilli *Editors note*Now is a good time to inform you that the person we have writing our recipe blogs is a total history nerd. She especially loves historical food, and after a year of begging, we let her do this recipe. It also happens that it is great for...
Sangria de la Vega
Yep, for July that most patriotic of months we are doing a Spanish recipe. While Sangria de la Vega does literally translate to the ‘Blood of the Vegas’. The Vega we got it from assures us that it is in fact nowhere close to such a thing, as their...
#WearOrange Chocolate Chip Cookies
Mom Michelle’s almost-famous #WearOrange Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Adapted from Top Secret Recipes version of Mrs. Fields Chocolate Chip Cookies (http://www.topsecretrecipes.com) Be careful not to cook these too long. It becomes tempting to keep cooking these because they don’t seem to be done after 10 minutes (cookies) or...
Beulah’s Grilled Peaches
Ok, we admit this recipe is cheating because it’s more about what you put on the peaches than how to cook them. But hey, it’s a great customizable desert that you can do on the grill! Also, this recipe comes from Beulah (one of our marketing gurus) and...
Irish Soda Bread
We know it’s March and you want a recipe for Corned Beef, but these days the beef comes pre-corned and has directions printed on it. Instead, we are going to walk through how to make that other St. Patricks day staple (not Guinness) soda bread. So here’s the...